Should I Call After I Apply For A Job

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Should I Call After I Apply for a Job?

We’ve all been there: you’ve spent hours crafting the perfect resume and cover letter, and you’ve finally hit the submit button on your job application. Now what? Should you call the hiring manager to follow up?

It’s a question that’s been debated by job seekers for years, and there’s no easy answer. On the one hand, you don’t want to come across as pushy or overeager. On the other hand, you want to make sure that your application stands out from the crowd.

The Pros and Cons of Following Up

So, what are the pros and cons of following up after you apply for a job?


  • It shows that you’re interested in the job. A follow-up call can show the hiring manager that you’re not just applying to every job you see, but that you’re genuinely interested in the position.
  • It can help you stand out from other candidates. In a competitive job market, it’s important to do everything you can to make your application stand out. A follow-up call can be a great way to do this.
  • It can give you an opportunity to ask questions. If you have any questions about the job or the company, a follow-up call is a great opportunity to ask them. This can show the hiring manager that you’re engaged and interested in learning more about the opportunity.


  • It can be seen as pushy. If you follow up too soon or too often, it can come across as pushy or overeager. This can turn off the hiring manager and hurt your chances of getting the job.
  • It can be a waste of time. If the hiring manager isn’t interested in talking to you, a follow-up call can be a waste of time.
  • It can make you look desperate. If you follow up too often or too aggressively, it can make you look desperate for a job. This can hurt your chances of getting hired.

So, Should You Call After You Apply for a Job?

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to call after you apply for a job is up to you. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you make your decision:

  • The company’s culture. Some companies are more receptive to follow-up calls than others. Do some research on the company to see if they have a policy on follow-up calls.
  • The job you’re applying for. Some jobs are more competitive than others. If you’re applying for a highly competitive job, a follow-up call may be more likely to help you stand out.
  • Your own personality. Some people are more comfortable making follow-up calls than others. If you’re not comfortable making a phone call, you may want to consider sending an email instead.

Tips for Following Up After You Apply for a Job

If you do decide to call after you apply for a job, keep these tips in mind:

  • Wait a few days before calling. Don’t call the hiring manager the day after you submit your application. Give them a few days to review your application and decide if they’re interested in talking to you.
  • Be brief and to the point. When you call, be brief and to the point. Introduce yourself, state the position you’re applying for, and ask if the hiring manager has any questions for you.
  • Be prepared to answer questions. The hiring manager may have questions for you about your experience, your qualifications, or why you’re interested in the job. Be prepared to answer these questions clearly and concisely.
  • Be polite and respectful. Even if the hiring manager isn’t interested in talking to you, be polite and respectful. Thank them for their time and let them know that you’re still interested in the job.

FAQ on Following Up After You Apply for a Job

Q: How long should I wait before following up?
A: It’s generally best to wait a few days before following up. This gives the hiring manager time to review your application and decide if they’re interested in talking to you.

Q: What should I say when I call?
A: When you call, be brief and to the point. Introduce yourself, state the position you’re applying for, and ask if the hiring manager has any questions for you.

Q: What if the hiring manager isn’t available?
A: If the hiring manager isn’t available when you call, leave a brief voicemail message. State your name, the position you’re applying for, and your phone number.

Q: What if the hiring manager says they’re not interested?
A: If the hiring manager says they’re not interested, be polite and respectful. Thank them for their time and let them know that you’re still interested in the job.


The decision of whether or not to call after you apply for a job is up to you. However, if you do decide to call, follow the tips outlined above to make sure that you do it in a way that is professional and respectful.

Are you interested in learning more about job hunting? Check out our other blog posts on topics such as how to write a resume, how to ace an interview, and how to negotiate a salary.

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